世界杯的奥秘(6个足球世界杯冠军国家证明 夺冠秘密不是足协而是这个因素)


What is the secret recipe for winning FIFA world cups? Neither the size of the economy, the mass of the population, nor the spread of geography is convincing.

世界杯的奥秘(6个足球世界杯冠军国家证明 夺冠秘密不是足协而是这个因素)


但国家的足球俱乐部数量这一要素,相当有说服力。作者”足球劲卫军Football Guardians FC"研究发现,在国际足联211个国家或地区的会员协会,世界上俱乐部最多的前6名即为8个夺得世界杯的国家,例外的是阿根廷和乌拉圭在此数据上排名20名以后。根据国际足联最后一次统计:

  1. 英格兰,足球俱乐部数量42490,人口5千万
  2. 巴西,足球俱乐部数量29208,人口1.7亿
  3. 德国,足球俱乐部数量26837,人口8千万
  4. 法国,足球俱乐部数量20062,人口6千万
  5. 西班牙,足球俱乐部数量18190,人口4千万
  6. 意大利,足球俱乐部数量16197,人口6千万

But somehow the number of clubs indicate a clue since 6 out of the 8 nations who have won the FIFA world cups, sit comfortably at the top 6 of that table, except Argentina and Uruguayfalling out of top 20.

这个是偶然的吗?也许不是。Coincidently? Maybe not.

欧盟认为其自豪的欧洲体育的模式是一个金字塔,塔底的不是地方协会,而是基层俱乐部,是他们提供了球员每天的营养。 英格兰足球的金字塔至少有9级,其中职业和全国性的只有前5级别,后面都是地区或半职业或业余的。(下图)关于英格兰111家职业足球,可参见作者“足球劲卫军Football Guardians FC"在本号发的文章,163秒看英国163年足球俱乐部

世界杯的奥秘(6个足球世界杯冠军国家证明 夺冠秘密不是足协而是这个因素)


Club football in particular grassroots clubs provides players with their' daily soccer diet'. This is how the European sports pyramid is based, claimed by the European Commission.


World Cup Champions 1994 manager Carlos Alberto Parreira shares Brazil’s football secret: there is no street football in Brazil anymore. Players are built-in clubs. When a player is nine, he is already being involved by a club, and by 19, he has already 10-years of organized club football experience and is capable of being professional. The system of clubs football is the strength of Brazilian football.

世界杯的奥秘(6个足球世界杯冠军国家证明 夺冠秘密不是足协而是这个因素)


即使是阿根廷的梅西也是俱乐部培养的。他四岁就参加当地一家小俱乐部踢球,6岁就加入阿根廷最有名的青训俱乐部之一Newell’s Old Boy一直到12岁。在该俱乐部的6年进了500个球。但是阿根廷当地俱乐部和其他大的俱乐部没钱治疗其荷尔蒙缺乏症,是巴塞罗那俱乐部从其13岁开始,提供治疗的费用和条件,挽救了一个残疾人,进一步培养了其足球天分。梅西的成长很大程度上与足协关系不大。

Even Argentina’s Lionel Messi can prove this argument that club football is the mother of football. He started playing for his local club – Grandoli at the age of four and moved to another local club, Newell’s Old Boy, founded 1903 and one of Argentina’s best youth clubs, scoring 500 goals.

Only after that, he was taken by Barcelona to treat his growth hormone deficiency and further develop him as the best in the world. His development has nothing to do with his local FA, nor Argentina FA. (下图:梅西在巴萨注册卡)

世界杯的奥秘(6个足球世界杯冠军国家证明 夺冠秘密不是足协而是这个因素)




French Football Federation's highest decision-making body - the Congress consisting only the representatives of clubs, amateur and professional, demonstrates how vital clubs soccer to the latest World Champions, per a CIES Study 2018.

世界杯的奥秘(6个足球世界杯冠军国家证明 夺冠秘密不是足协而是这个因素)



RFEF EXCO consists of 4 out of 13 members from clubs, including 2 from amateur clubs.

世界杯的奥秘(6个足球世界杯冠军国家证明 夺冠秘密不是足协而是这个因素)


作者“足球劲卫军Football Guardians FC"认为足球规律之一为俱乐部是足球之母,因为球员的发展和足球文化的基石是俱乐部体系,不是国家或地方足协。您同意吗?

Nature of Football: Clubs are the mother of football, in terms of the cornerstone for players' development lies within the club system, not the national or regional associations. Do you agree with that?


足球劲卫军 Football Guardians FC ©®℗ 版权保留


1、本文是”足球劲卫军 Football Guardians FC“探讨的足球规律之一:足球俱乐部的所有制、发展和治理的第二个专题系列。第一个专题为“没有枪杆子的军队”,以“公有”俱乐部的一个典型,巴塞罗那进行案例分析,现有8篇文章。第二个专题为“寻父记”,以全世界“私有”制的首家俱乐部的132年历程,来看英国俱乐部公司化对俱乐部的影响,现有12篇文章。

2、为便于国际交流,本文作者”足球劲卫军”使用简单英语。For international exchages, this article is also written in plain English by Football Guardians FC.
