世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)


Correction: female war correspondents

世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)

During the second world war female journalists risked their lives on the frontlines. But the cultural stereotype of the macho war correspondent meant their contributions have largely fallen into obscurity. “The Correspondents: Six Women Writers on the Front Lines of World War II”, released on Tuesday, sets out to correct that historical slight, thrusting these women into the centre of the story.

世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)

Judith Mackrell’s book tells of six journalists who braved the gruesome action abroad and decompressed by throwing back cocktails and dancing with the likes of Pablo Picasso and Eleanor Roosevelt. Among them are Lee Miller (pictured), who graced the cover of Vogue before becoming a war photographer, and Sigrid Schultz, who hid her Jewish identity to report on the Nazis for the Chicago Tribune, even cultivating Hermann Göring, a member of Hitler’s inner circle, as a source. These authors of the first rough draft of history have at last had their own written.

Correction: female war correspondents


During the second world war female journalists risked their lives on the frontlines. But the cultural stereotype of the macho war correspondent meant their contributions have largely fallen into obscurity. “The Correspondents: Six Women Writers on the Front Lines of World War II”, released on Tuesday, sets out to correct that historical slight, thrusting these women into the centre of the story.


stereotype 刻板印象 ; 模式化观念 ; 老一套 ; 对…形成模式化的看法

macho 大男子气的 ; 男子汉的 ; 男子汉

risked 使…冒风险 ; 冒…的风险 ; 冒险做 ; 大胆做 ; risk的过去分词和过去式

frontlines 前线;锋线 ; frontline的复数

obscurity 默默无闻 ; 无名 ; 费解 ; 晦涩 ; 难懂的事 ; 昏暗 ; 黑暗

Set out to 打算;着手;出发去做某事

Slight 冷落;轻视

thrusting 猛推 ; 冲 ; 搡 ; 挤 ; 塞 ; 刺 ; 戳 ; thrust的现在分词


《The Correspondents: Six Women Writers on the Front Lines of World War II》在亚马逊上已经发售,纸质书籍售价24.4美元。

世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)

Judith Mackrell’s book tells of six journalists who braved the gruesome action abroad and decompressed by throwing back cocktails and dancing with the likes of Pablo Picasso and Eleanor Roosevelt. Among them are Lee Miller (pictured), who graced the cover of Vogue before becoming a war photographer, and Sigrid Schultz, who hid her Jewish identity to report on the Nazis for the Chicago Tribune, even cultivating Hermann Göring, a member of Hitler’s inner circle, as a source. These authors of the first rough draft of history have at last had their own written.

朱迪斯·麦克雷尔(Judith Mackrell)的书讲述了六名记者,她们勇敢面对国外的恐怖行动,与巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)和埃莉诺·罗斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt)等人一起喝鸡尾酒、跳舞,来减压。这些记者之中,有李·米勒(Lee Miller)(如图),她成为战地摄影师之前登上过《Vogue》封面;还有西格丽德·舒尔茨(Sigrid Schultz),她隐藏自己的犹太身份,为《芝加哥论坛报》(the Chicago Tribune)提供纳粹有关的报道,甚至培养了希特勒核心圈的成员赫尔曼·戈林(Hermann Göring)作为信息来源。这些写就历史初稿的作者终于有了报道她们自己事迹的作品。

journalists 新闻记者 ; 新闻工作者 ; journalist的复数

braved 勇敢面对 ; 冒 ; 经受 ; brave的过去分词和过去式

gruesome 令人厌恶的 ; 恐怖的 ; 可怕的

abroad 国外 ; 在国外 ; 广为流传 ; 在室外 ; 户外

throwing 投 ; 掷 ; 抛 ; 扔 ; 摔 ; 丢 ; 猛推 ; 使劲撞 ; throw的现在分词

the likes of 像…这样的人(或东西)

cocktails 鸡尾酒 ; 凉菜 ; 冷盘 ; 混合物 ; cocktail的复数

Picasso 毕加索

graced 为增色 ; 为锦上添花 ; 装饰 ; 使荣耀 ; 使生辉 ; 承蒙光临 ; grace的过去分词和过去式

report on 报道…,就…作报告

inner circle 核心集团

rough draft 粗略的草稿



李·米勒(Lee Miller)是当代艺术史上最著名的缪斯之一,上个世纪30年代,她被誉为世界上最美的女人,无数男人拜倒在她身前,集万千宠爱于一身。

世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)


世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)


世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)


世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)


世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)


世界杯推女郎李(登过《Vogue》,当过战地记者,Lee Miller的传奇人生)

