
2018年6月14日,莫斯科,国际足联世界杯,第一轮,A组,第一个比赛日,俄罗斯对沙特阿拉伯。戈洛温在行动。14 June 2018, Moscow, FIFA World Cup, First Round, Group A, First Matchday, Russia vs. Saudi Arabia。Alexander Golowin from Russia in action.(图片来自东方IC)


戈洛温在俄罗斯5比0战胜沙特的比赛中,打入一球,助攻两球,另一进球也与他的策动相关。Gorovin scored one goal in Russia's 5-0 win over Saudi Arabia, setting up two goals, and another goal related to his actions.(图片来自东方IC)


戈洛温生于1996年,现效力莫斯科中央陆军足球俱乐部,今年6月入选俄罗斯国家队。Gorovin, who was born in 1996, now plays for the Moscow Central Army Football Club and was selected for the Russian national team in June this year.(图片来自东方IC)


多家俱乐部早前已向戈洛温抛出“橄榄枝”,相信其昨晚精彩表现会使其身价倍增。A number of clubs had earlier thrown an "olive branch" to Glover, believing that his excellent performance last night would make him worth twice as much.(图片来自东方IC)
