the best for you用在什么场合

the best for you用在什么场合


1.the best for you意思是:给你最好的,用在祝福的场造句: The best wishes for you.

2.最好的祝福送给你. Don't set your goals by what other people consider important.

3. Olny you know what is the best for you.不要跟随大众的价值观去设定自己的目标.

4.只有你才知道什么是对你来说是最好的(最适合你的). I know it's for the best for you and for me.

5.我知道,这对你和我都是件好事. Know you are loved by god and he has chosen you and wants the best for you.

6.知道神爱你并且已经拣选了你,他希望你能得到最好的. Wish all the best wishes for you.

7.献上最美很好的祝愿. Wish all the best wishes for you and hope all your New Year dreams come true!

