苦的用英语怎么说(A taste of your own medicine 尝尝自己的苦药?)


几乎没有人喜欢吃药,尤其是苦味、怪味重的药。单词“medicine 药”被用在表达“a taste of your own medicine” 中来代表“一个人对他人苛刻的言行”。那么品尝自己给别人的“medicine”会是一种什么样的感觉呢?一起来看看下面的对话:

- Hey Emma!


- Hey love! What’s up?


- Oh not much, coming back from a cinema.


- What did you watch?


- The movie is about a playboy who gets a taste of his own medicine when the girl he falls in love with cheats on him for another guy. Really reminds me of my ex!


- Evan? Yeah, he was a real playboy.



To ‘Get a taste of your own medicine’ - to do the same bad thing to someone that they have done to you.你曾经怎么样对待别人,现在别人也用同样的方式对待你,让你自尝苦果,以其人之道,还治其人之身。

注意⚠️ a taste of your own medicine 这个表达极具贬义,所以在使用的时候要格外注意。

例1:Our boss is so rude to us, but finally somebody has answered back and now he's got a taste of his own medicine.

例2:When I meet up with my boyfriend, he's always late,so this time I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine and turn up late as well.

例3:Deepak is always rude to the teacher ,but he was really offended when she gave him a taste of his own medicine and was rude back to him.

例4:To give him a taste of his own medicine,I did not point out to him his mistake,but reported it to the boss.我实行以牙还牙,不把他的错误告诉他,却向老板报告。


1. tit for tat

2. a blow for a blow

3. a game at which two can play

4.an eye for an eye or

5. a tooth for a tooth


Falls in love

Start to love someone

Cheat on

Start a romance with a person that is not your boyfriend/girlfriend


A boy who likes to be with many women(寻欢作乐的有钱男子;花花公子;纨绔子弟)


A former/past girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband

*usually only for romantic relationships

Ex-president is worse than former president

苦的用英语怎么说(A taste of your own medicine 尝尝自己的苦药?)