准时用英语怎么说(“buy on time”别理解成“准时买”)

大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——buy on time, 这个短语的含义不是指“准时买”,其正确的含义是:

buy on time 用信用卡购买

I ran out of money at Christmas time and had to buy some presents on time, so I'm dreading my next credit card bill.


Tom: That's an awful fancy TV. Are you sure you can afford it?


Jane: I'm buying it on time.

I bought the sofa on time, but I paid cash for the chairs.


If you run out of money, just buy your necessity on time. No one wants to lend you money.

如果你花光了钱,你就用信用卡购买必需品。 没有人想借给你钱。

I live paycheck by paycheck. So I buy goods on time.


准时用英语怎么说(“buy on time”别理解成“准时买”)