


1, be sure about 确信

我对这个消息确认无误 I am sure about the news

2, care about 关心

你知道你的父母有多关心你?Do you know how much your parents care about you

3, hear about 听说

我听说过这个故事 I heard about this story

4, think about 思考

我会思考你所给的建议的 I will think about your advice

5, come about 发生


You will never know which one will come about first ,the surprise or the accident?

6, talk about 谈论

他们正在谈论你的事情 They are talking about you

7, be serious about 对。。。认真

我对你的成绩是很认真的 I am so serious about my grades

8, learn about 了解

我想要多了解一些关于美国历史的知识。I want to learn about American history

9, worry about 担心

我非常担心你的健康 I worry about your health so much

10, write about 写作

他正在写一篇关于乡村生活的故事。 I am writing about the life of countryside

11, look after 照顾

我能照顾好我自己 I can look after myself

12, take after (外贸或者行为)像

他长得很像他的爸爸 He takes after his dad

13, laugh at 嘲笑

不要嘲笑别人,这样是不礼貌的 Don't laugh at other ,it's impolite

14, look at 看

所有的学生正在看着黑板All students are looking at the blackboard

15, look back at 回首


When we look back at our past ,all has been memories

16, point at 指着

不要指着他,他的脾气可不好 Don't point at him he has a bad temper

17, shout at 冲。。。。大声叫喊

不要冲我大声的叫喊,我已经听见了 Don't shout at me,I heard it

18, get away 离开


Don't get away so early,there will a more wonderful performance here

19, go away 走开

请你走开,我正在照相 Please go away,I am taking a photo

20, run away 逃跑

不要逃跑了,这个不过是一只小老鼠了 Don't run away ,it is just a little mouse

21, take away 拿走

你已经拿走了我的衣服 You have taken away my coat

22, give away 赠送


He has given away his own books to the poor

23, put away 收好

你必须收好你所有的衣服You must put away all your clothes

24, sweep away 扫去

今天让我们开始扫去所有的垃圾。Let's sweep away all trash today

25, throw away 扔掉

你不能扔掉我的玩具 You can't throw away my toy

26, bring back 使想起

一首老歌突然浮现在我的脑海中 An old song brought back to my mind

27, call sb back 回电话

我一下班,我就回您的电话I will call you back as soon as I finish my work

28, go back 回去

他已经8岁了,他可以自己回去的 He is eight years old ,he can go back by himself

29, talk back 回嘴

不要和你的父母回嘴 Don't talk back to your parents

30, drop by 顺便访问


I will visit some of my good friends if I arrive in Shanghai ,every time

31, pass by 经过

他刚才经过了一家不错的服装店 He just passed by a nice clothes store.

32, break down 出故障

他的单车出故障了 His bike broke down

33, calm down 冷静下来

你必须冷静下来 You must calm yourself down

34, close down 关闭

他关闭了他自己的便利店 He closed down his convenience store

35, count down 倒数

让我们一起从10开始倒数 Let's count down from ten.

36, cut down

你不能砍到这些树 You can't cut down these trees.

37, die down 逐渐变弱

所有的噪音在慢慢的减弱All noise died down gradually.

38, fall down 跌倒

这条路太滑了,非常容易滑倒 The road is so smooth, it's easy to fall down.

39, let。。。down 使。。。失望

我一定不会让您失望的I won't let you down.

40, lie down 躺下


You are ill, so you must lie down and have a rest

41, look down 俯视


You can look down the whole city from the top of the mountain.

42, put。。。down拆下

你把我的玩具都拆坏了 He has put my toy down.

43, take down 记录

我必须记录下你们说的每句话 I must take down every word you said.

44, turn down 把。。。调低


You must turn down the TV, he is doing his homework.

45, write down 写下

这个老人能写下自己的名字。The old man can write down his name.

46, pull down 摧毁

你不能摧毁他的学习时间 You can't pull down his learning hours.

47, sit down 坐下

你赶快找到一个座位好好的坐下You'd better find a seat to sit down

48, ask for 要求

我向你要一本书 I ask you for a book

49, care for 照顾

你必须好好的照顾你的妹妹You must care for your sister.

50, die for 为。。。而死


He died for the safety of our motherland.

51, look for 寻找

他正在寻找一本好书 He is looking for a good book.

52, pay for 付费

这本书我付了10美元 I paid ten dollars for the book.

53, prepare for 为。。。做好准备

我们必须为我们的考试做好准备We must prepare for our test.

54, stand for 代表

红色代表着一种热情 Red is stand for the passion

55, wait for 等待

他正在等待一部巴士 He is waiting for a bus.

56, come from 来自

他来自英国 He comes from the United Kingdom.

57, hear from 接收到某人的信

我已经很久没有收到你的来信了 I haven't heard from you for a long time.

58, keep。。。away from 远离

我们必须让孩子们远离吸烟 We must keep the children away from smoking.

59, believe in 信任

你必须信任你自己 You must believe in yourself.

60, hand in 提交

明天你必须上交你的作业You must hand in your homework tomorrow.

61, join in 参加

他参加了我们很多的活动 He joined in many activities of ours.

62, take part in 参加


You can take part in some items at the sports meeting.

63, take in 吸入,吞入

你不能吞口香糖 You can't take in the gum.

64, take pride in 为。。。感到自豪

我们作为中国人而非常自豪 I take pride in being Chinese.

65, divide 。。。into 把。。。分开

我能把苹果分成4份 I can divide the apple into four pieces

66, get into 陷入

他现在陷入了困境He is getting into trouble.

67, translate 。。。。into 把。。。翻译成为


I can translate these Chinese characters into English words.

68, be proud of 对。。。感到自豪

我作为中国人感到自豪 I am proud of being Chinese.

69, die of 死于。。。

他死于发烧 He died of fever.

70, feel ashamed of 对。。。感到羞愧

我对我的错误感到羞愧 I feel ashamed of my mistake.

71, get out of 从。。。出来


You must get out of the house ,it's so dangerous

72, take care of 照顾

我能照顾好我的家人I can take care of my family.

73, think of 想起

他正在想起他的老朋友He is thinking of his old friends.

74, burn off 烧掉

他已经烧掉了所有的资料 He has burnt off all materials

75, clean。。。off把。。。擦掉

你必须把所有的脏东西都擦掉。You must clean all dirty things off .

76, fall off 跌落

他刚从单车上跌落下来 He fell off the bike.

77, go off 离开

他已经离开了他的家乡 He has gone off his hometown.

78, put off 推迟

你不能推迟这场会议 You can't put off the meeting.

79, show off 炫耀

你最好不要在别人的面前炫耀You'd better not show off in front of others.

80, take off 脱下

你必须脱下外套 You must take off the coat.

81, turn off 关掉

我们已经关掉了电视We have turned off the TV.

82, call off 取消

你不能取消这个会议You can't call off the meeting

83, cut off 切除,切断

他切断了线缆 He cut off the wire.

84, get off 下车

他刚从公交车上下来 he got off the bus just now .

85, set off 出发

他昨天下午八点从北京出发的 He set off from Beijing at eight o'clock

86, shut off 停止运转

这个机器已经停止运转 The machine has shut off.

87, come on 快点

快点,你要迟到了 Come on, or you will be late.

88, depend on 取决于

你的工资取决于你的努力程度 Your wage depends on your effort.

89, hang on 稍等

请稍等,他正在开会Hang on ,he is at meeting.

90, turn on 打开

请打开电视,我要看动画片 Please turn on the TV, I want to watch the cartoon.

91, put on 增加体重

我已经增胖了很多斤 I have put on some kilos of my weight.

92, blow out 吹灭

他吹灭了所有的蜡烛 he blew out all candles.

93, bring out 使显现

这个游戏能很好的显现他的能力The games brought out his ability.

94, check out 观察

他正在观察你的一举一动He is checking out his behavior.

95, come out 出版

这本书下个月就要出版了The book will come out next month.

96, eat out 出去吃饭

让我们今天出去吃饭吧 Let's eat out together.

97, find out 查明

我必须查明真相 I must find out the truth.

98, go out 外出

让我们外出吃东西吧 Let's go out to eat some food.

99, hang out 闲逛

我喜欢和我的同学在外面闲逛 I like hanging out with my friends outside.

100, help out 解决难题

他一定能帮助你解决难题He must help you out.

101, lay out 摆开

请把你的旧书在地上摆开 Please lay out all your old books on the ground.

102, break out 爆发

第二次世界大战在1939年爆发The Second World War broke out in 1939.

103, clear out 清理

你必须清理掉所有的垃圾 You must clean out all trash.

104, cut out 删除

你不能删除我的文件 You can't cut out my file.

105, fill out 填写

你首先要填写这个表格You must fill out the form first.

106, give out 分发

我要把试卷分发给我的同学 I will give out the papers to my classmates.

107, hand out 分发

我要把试卷分发给我的同学 I will hand out the papers to my classmates.

108, leave out 忽略

你可以忽略这段话 You can leave out these words.

109, look out 当心

当心,一辆汽车过来了Look out ! A car is coming.

110, put out 扑灭

消防员扑灭了大火 The fireman put out the fire.

111, sell out 卖光

所有的衣服都被卖光了All clothes have been sold out.

112, take out 取出

我从钱包里拿出了我所有的现金 I took out all my cash from my wallet.

113, work out 解决

你一定能找到一个方法去解决问题 I must find a way to work it out.

114, point out 指出

我能指出你的错误么? Can I point out your mistakes?

115, read out 宣读

他大声宣读着他的情书 He read out his love letter.

116, set out 出发

我们可以在下午出发 We can set out in the afternoon.

117, try out 试用

我能试用一下么? Let me try it out.

118, fall over 绊倒

这个地板很滑,很容易绊倒The floor is smooth, it's easy to fall over.

119, go over 复习

我必须认真复习我的课文I must go over my textbook.

120, go through 穿过

他能独自穿过这个大森林 He can go through the forest by himself.

121, put through 接通(电话)

我接通了我老板的电话 I put through my boss

122, look through 浏览


He is looking through some information about travelling on the website.

123, belong to 属于

这本书肯定属于他 The book must belong to him.

124, look forward to 盼望

我正盼望着见到你 He is looking forward to seeing you .

125,pay attention to 注意

你必须注意你的穿着 You must pay attention to your wear.

126,get used to 习惯于

我习惯每天晚睡 I get used to sleep late every night.

127,be used to 习惯于

我习惯每天晚睡 I am used to sleep late every night.

128,look up to 钦佩

我钦佩你已经很久了 I have looked up to you for a long time.

129,stick to 坚持


If you stick to your dream, you will be successful in the end.

130,call up 打电话

他正在打他的老师的电话He is calling his teacher up.

131,cheer up 振奋起来

你必须自己振奋起来You must cheer up by yourself.

132,clean up 打扫

你可以自己打扫房间You can clean up your own room.

133,cut up 切碎

这个工具能切碎石头 The machine can cut up the stone.

134,end up 最终成为

他们最终以中文谈话结束They ended up talking in Chinese.

135,fix up 修理

他能自己修理单车He can fix the bike.

136,give up 放弃

不要放弃你的梦想Never give up your dream.

137,hurry up 赶快

赶快点,你要迟到了Hurry up ,or you will be late.

138,look up 查阅

你可以使用字典查阅新单词You can look up new words in the dictionary.

139,make up编造

不要编造你的故事 Don't make up your own story

140,mix up 弄乱

你已经弄乱了我的书架 He has mixed up my bookshelf

141, put up 搭起

你可以自己搭起帐篷You can put up your tent yourself

142,set up 建立

我想要建立一个英语俱乐部 I want to set up an English club

143,take up 开始做

让我们开始写作业吧 Let's take up doing our homework

144,turn up 开大


Can you turn up the TV,I can't hear it so clearly

145,wake up 醒来

我在早上八点就醒来了I wake up at eight o'clock in the morning

146,dress up 打扮

你必须好好打扮自己You must dress up yourself

147,get up 起床

我每天起床很早 I get up so early every morning

148,grow up 长大

我的孩子一定能健康的长大My child can grow up healthily

149,pick up 捡起

我捡起我的书包 I pick up my bag

150,show up 露面

他最后还是露面了Finally,he showed up

151,agree with sb同意某人

我同意你的观点 I agree with you

152,compare 。。。with 。。。。对比

不要拿我和其他人对比 Don't compare me with others

153,deal with 处理

我能处理我的问题 I can deal with my problems

154,get on with 和睦相处

我肯定能和我的朋友和睦相处I can get on well with my friends

155,part with 放弃

我放弃了我最喜欢的钢笔I parted with my favorite pen

156,catch up with sb 赶上某人

我肯定能赶上你 I can catch up with you