
昨天中国女排3-0横扫塞尔维亚队后,提前一轮卫冕了世界杯冠军,恭喜瓜队在国庆节前拿到第十个世界冠军!赛后国际排联在其官网也称赞了中国女排表现“具有统治性”,并表扬了朱婷和张常宁。下面一起看看国际排联的报道吧。 查看双语资讯,学习英语,了解最新报道。欢迎点击关注。





Osaka, Japan, September 28, 2019 – China allowed their dominant play speak for itself as they beat Serbia 3-0 (25-14, 25-21, 25-16), skipping the big celebrations and staying focused on their final mission, with a game left to play on Sunday against Argentina to complete their sweep of the 2019 FIVB Volleyball Women’s World Cup.

2019年9月28日,日本大阪——中国队在赛场上继续着她们统治性的发挥,以3-0(25-14, 25-21, 25-16) 横扫塞尔维亚,赛后她们没有大肆庆祝而将注意力放在了最后一场比赛上,只差星期天对阵阿根廷的最后一场球,她们就能完成全胜夺取2019年国际排联女子世界杯的壮举。

Zhu Ting topped all scorers with 18 points to lead China to their 10th consecutive victory in the tournament. Zhang Changning led the Chinese defence, scoring three of China’s 10 blocks and adding that up to her match output of 16.


Serbians Ana Bjelica and Katarina Lazovic recorded 15 and 13 markers on the board, but the Chinese dominance on all fronts still overwhelmed the European side.


Zhu, Zhang ang Gong Xiangyu brought a good number of points for China to start the match, while Bjelica was the only productive player on the Serbian side. In the second set, Zhu and Zhang won their attack showdown with the young Lazovic, who scored eight points to give Serbia a fighting chance, but the Asian side effectively executed their plays to gain a 2-0 set-edge.

朱婷、张常宁及龚翔宇在开场时便连连得分为中国队取得了领先,而塞尔维亚一方只有Bjelica稍有建树。第二局, 朱和张联袂与年轻的Lazovic展开了精彩对攻,正是凭借后者该局的8分,塞尔维亚在第二局才有一战之力。但最终亚洲人的高执行力还是帮她们拿下该局以2-0领先。

Zhang had the hot hands in the third frame, taking charge on offence to come up with a strong finish in the match. China underlined their dominance as they succeeded to stay one match away from completing a sweep and winning their second consecutive World Cup title.


“I think we played matured and consistent throughout this tournament,” Zhang said. “We are the most prepared team in this tournament. We made sure that we always come out well-prepared against each team.”


“The most defining moment in this tournament was our match against the United States. I was so impressed by how well prepared when we played against them. We were ready to play them in five sets, but surprisingly we beat them in three sets. However, we will continue to study them and hopefully we can still play better against them in the future.”


Meanwhile, the United States defeated Cameroon 3-0 (25-19, 25-15, 25-5) to strengthen their hold on a podium finish. Karsta Lowe, Hanna Tapp and Michelle Bartsch-Hackley scored in double figures, overwhelming their African rivals who struggled to defend them.

与此同时,美国队3-0 (25-19, 25-15, 25-5)击败喀麦隆,巩固了她们登上领奖台的机会。洛维,Tapp和Hackley都得分上双,压倒性的表现让非洲对手难以招架。