装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)


装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)


今天一早高明徒弟狄记(开建筑木模板厂)给信息我,讲他的厂受地产行业的影响,现在的生意有得做都会扑街,下面的路如何走,问我意见。我开出的第一个药方是做出国建厂,因为中国的房地产业已进入长期低迷的时期,国家的发展重点不再是城市 化。而是乡村振兴及产业升级,建筑木模板的需求会是自建房,但市场不大,还是想办法在国外建厂实际点。把生产线移过去,但由于在国外建厂投资不会少,所以先以贸易的方式来把销售体系构建起来,销售体系走顺了,才找人一起合作建厂,钱一个人是挣不完的,把风险及利润分出去,挣点生意费就行了!



Juan asked us for a minimum unit composed of two environments and a battery of services, contemplating that in the future a "twin" unit would be incorporated on the same plot of land and therefore we had to estimate and anticipate its relationship and visual interferences to guarantee the least contaminated coexistence as possible.

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)



装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

The shelter was thought of as an anomaly in the sierras that could provoke interest from the geometric contrast of the volume inserted in a natural environment. Its distribution was oriented to be inhabited and provide shelter in short-term stays, in an itinerant way, closing three of its faces to the outside and focusing the interest on the more qualified horizon. In the rest of the surfaces, a series of hierarchical frames are built that crop and propose specific landscape segments that went on to become part of the interior experience of the object.

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)

装配式建筑多少钱(澳标:35 m²装配式微度假住宅,18W起定制)


The project needed to guarantee a certain speed of assembly, in that sense, the constructive choice was oriented towards material optimization.